Hello 👋

my name is


And I'm a web developer

Picture of the author

about me

with over 8 years of experience in software development, I specialize in creating user-centered interfaces, combining aesthetics with functionality

Responsive 📱
I build responsive websites that look great on all devices.
Mobile & desktop applications
Work 💼
I've been consistently delivering projects for the last 8 years.
Clients from France, UK, Netherlands and Portugal
Projects 🚀
I like to build small side projects for fun and to keep up with the latest technologies.
Planning 🔭
I have experience planning projects and reporting on their progress.
using tools like JIRA, Notion, Linear and simillar
Front End 👁️
I've specialized in Front End development and am up to date with the latest technologies and best practices.
React, Next.js, Typescript, Vite, TailwindCSS...
Picture of the author

my blog

my tech stack

these are the tools and technologies I use to create beautiful and functional applications

~david 🌍




React QueryNext.JSViteReduxReact NativeRecoilJest


BootstrapLESSSassStyled ComponentsTailwind




WebpackViteshadcn/uiCRAT3 stackTanstackMaterial UIGrommet UIWordpressNetlifyGatsbyJAM Stack